Although it isn’t the majority of new food trucks, many new food truck entrepreneurs try to keep their existing job until their food truck is established and begins generating enough income. The problem with this philosophy is that starting your food truck business before you quit your job isn’t easy. If you are still employed and and starting a food truck, while you juggle your existing job and your new mobile food business, keep these points in mind.
Starting A Food Truck Business While You’re Still Employed
Put Your Existing Job First
The first of our tips for those of you still employed is to always remember that until you hand in your resignation, your existing job comes first. Before moving ahead with your business plans, make sure you understand the responsibilities and work hours involved in running a food truck.
Balance Your Time
Operating a food truck takes a lot of time. Between the food purchasing, food prep, operation of the truck in addition to all of the marketing and communication involved, many truck owners wish they had more time. Start slow, this may mean operating the truck on weekends or at food truck events to start. This will allow you to concentrate on your job without taking away from your ability to build your food truck brand.
Also, try to meet on weekends with suppliers, potential employees and other people related to your mobile food company. This will help you avoid potential conflicts with your work hours. Avoid the temptation to meet with people before work. Traffic jams and other unpredictable delays can make you late for your job.
Inform Your Employer
If you think your employer will be receptive, tell your employer that you’re starting your own food truck business. That will make it easier to talk to your supervisor about changing your work schedule if you need more flexible hours.
Use Your Own Equipment
Never use your employer’s phones, computers or other equipment or supplies for business related to your own company. If you don’t have a smartphone, invest in one now. Use it during breaks at your job to answer e-mail and make phone calls related to your food truck.
Prepare Your Family
Prepare your family for the prospect that you’ll be working on your new mobile venture on weekends and into the evenings on some weeknights.
Be Patient
Our last tip for those of you still employed is to stay focused on your job while you’re at work. You may need that job longer than you expect. You can’t predict how long it will take to get your food truck established.
RELATED: Developing A Food Truck Concept That Starts You Off On The Right Foot
The Bottom Line
It’s easy to read an article like this, but very hard to actually do it. It may feel like you need more time and a bunch of money to start a food truck business. You don’t!
Achieving your dream of becoming a food truck vendor requires work. It will take time, energy, dedication, and courage. Close your eyes and think about the day you walk into your bosses office to quit. Now open them again and start planning your future as food truck owner.
Did you start your food truck while still employed? Share your tips on how to balance them in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter