National food holidays have been around for decades. Unfortunately, most of them aren’t real holidays, but they sure are fun to celebrate. Then again, it’s always nice to have an extra excuse for enjoying certain foods. What makes a work day more fun than honoring everything from National Hamburger Day to National Southern Food Day? We cover them all so you always know what food your food truck should be celebrating.

National Southern Food Day Fun Facts

Southern Cuisine is a historical regional cuisine form of states south of the Mason-Dixon Line and extends to Texas.

  • January 22nd is National Southern Food Day.
  • Southern fried chicken breast typically has more than 400 calories in one 5.6-ounce piece.
  • Black-eyed peas are small beige beans that have a round black “eye” at the pea’s inner curve.
  • Pot likker is the liquid from cooked greens or collard greens. This was drunk or made into a type of gravy.
  • A typical Southern meal is pan-fried chicken, field peas, greens, mashed potatoes, cornbread and sweet tea. The meal is finished with a dessert that is usually a pie, or a cobbler.

How To Observe National Southern Food Day

  • Make up a Southern cuisine style entree, side dish or dessert and add it to y0ur food truck menu for your customers.
  • Use #NationalSouthernFoodDay to post on social media. Facebook | Twitter

National Southern Food Day Facts We Missed

Let us know if we missed any Southern Food fun facts in the comment section. If we can verify that the facts is just that, a fact, we will give the reader credit in the article.

There is a National Food Holiday for almost every day of the year. Don’t miss a single one! Find all of the National Food Holidays to spice up your food truck menu specials throughout the year.

RELATED: Why You Need Food Truck Menu Specials

REFERENCE: Southern Food Fun Facts