The internet is full of fabulous facts about everything from current events to the history basket weaving and pudding fun facts. Because of this, as we research for our daily content on food trucks, food carts and street food, we stumble upon some items of knowledge that we just did not know.

We have decided when these fun facts pop up, that we would share them with our readers in our section titled “Did You Know?”

For today’s Did You Know we will look at Pudding fun facts.

Pudding Fun Facts. In the United States, pudding characteristically denotes a sweet milk-based dessert. It has a similar consistency to egg-based custards, instant, or a mousse, though it may also refer to other types such as bread and rice pudding.

  • In the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth countries, pudding refers to rich, fairly homogeneous starch- or dairy-based desserts such as rice pudding and Christmas pudding, or, informally, any sweet dish after the main course.
  • The sweet and creamy confection we know as pudding emerged in the mid-19th century when an English chemist named Alfred Bird developed an egg-free custard powder. This remarkable invention made it very easy to produce a delicious pudding with the perfect consistency.
  • The word pudding is believed to come from the French boudin, originally from the Latin botellus, meaning “small sausage,” referring to encased meats used in Medieval European puddings.
  • The proverb “The proof of the pudding’s in the eating” dates back to at least the 17th century.
  • As part of a promotion, Healthy Choice was offering 500 frequent flyer miles to anyone who purchased 10 Healthy Choice products. David Philips recognized that if he purchased individual cups of pudding at 25 cents apiece he could easily rack up a lot of miles. He ended up with 1.25 million frequent-flyer miles for roughly $3,000. That’s the equivalent of 31 round trip tickets to Europe, or 42 tickets to Hawaii! He also donated the pudding cups to the Salvation Army and local food banks. He was able to write off the donations on his taxes.

Key Dates

  • June 26th is National Chocolate Pudding Day.
  • September 19th is National Butterscotch Pudding Day.

Pudding Fun Facts We Missed

Feel free to let us know about facts we missed in the comment section or our food truck forum. We always love to add to these lists. If we can verify that the facts is just that, a fact, we will give the reader credit in the article.

Reference: Wikipedia: Fun Facts about Pudding.

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