Who doesn’t like free offers? Food truck vendors often offer free items from their truck, so why not use free marketing tools your food truck and food truck website website? Today we’ll share a number of free marketing tools and techniques to use to attract more customers to your truck and more viewers to your food truck website. By building your website readership without having to spend any money on adverting, you’ll have extra cash to invest in other areas of your food truck business.
8 Free Marketing Tools For Your Food Truck
Put your URL on all documents and packaging
The first of our free marketing tools involves adding your website address to all of your docs and packaging. There’s no added cost to include your URL, (yourfoodtruck.com), on every single piece of collateral that leaves your truck or office.
- Truck wrap
- Business cards
- Letterhead
- Invoices
- Receipts
- Catering presentation folders
- Take away menus
- Press releases
Be sure your URL appears in all of your advertising, including social media. And of course, include it on all forms of packaging: cartons, labels, bags, and any other containers your food truck uses.
RELATED: Why Food Truck Branding Matters
List your truck on tracking applications
List your food truck on one or more of the existing food truck tracking applications such as Roaming Hunger or Food Trucks In. These apps are free marketing tools designed to help consumers find your trucks when you are on the road.
Include your URL in your email signature
Email programs such as Outlook allow you to create a signature block that appears on every email you send. In addition to your name, title, food truck name, address, phone number, social media accounts, include a link to your Web site.
Use calls to action in your website copy
Calls to action are words (such as buy now, save, register to win) that encourage your food truck website readers to take a specific action while they are on your website. The word free, as well as a text link, is an implicit call to action. Use links and calls to action to help visitors navigate your site and to let them know what you’d like them to do. If you don’t tell them, they won’t know.
Collect customer testimonials
Whenever customers spontaneously offer praise, ask for permission to include their testimonials on your website. You don’t have to identify each person in detail, but you need to provide something more than “anonymous” as your source. You can collect testimonials from email or letters you receive, or comments on your blog or social media accounts. Scatter the testimonials throughout your website rather than place them all on one page.
RELATED: Embedding Twitter Testimonials On Your Food Truck Website
Link to relevant sites
Inbound links from other websites not only bring you targeted traffic from other sites but also can improve your ranking in Google’s search results. This can be time consuming but it’s a free marketing tool to bring visitors to your site that could end up at your service window. If you make a practice of looking for ten links each week, this won’t seem as difficult a task.
RELATED: Building Backlinks To Your Food Truck Website
Share with friends
The simplest of all viral free marketing tools or techniques, a Share button gives your website visitors an option to share your website through social media and email. Most website developers can install free script to handle this function. Be sure to include a link to share with a friend in a common sidebar or on each of your blog posts so that visitors can quickly recommend your site or your menu to someone they know. There’s nothing like word of mouth!
Google and Yahoo!
Both Google and Yahoo offer free marketing tools in local listings tied to their map sites, allowing users to search for businesses within a specific area. Local listings are valuable for every food truck even if they don’t show your truck’s current location. Besides the listing, Google lets you offer a coupon and include your logo. Free is a great price for advertising to bring customers to your food truck service window.