Do the words on your food truck menu attract desired consumers to your service window? Using the right menu buzzwords play a big role in helping determine the type of people who will become frequent guests to your food truck. Knowing which menu buzzwords to use and understanding how they influence consumers will help you attract the customers you want.

Food trucks across the country are learning who their ideal customers want more than ever. To do this they are adding descriptive words on their menu.  In today’s article I’ll cover 6 menu buzzwords you can include on your food truck menu. Give them a try and see if they make people in line at your truck more inclined to order those dishes.

6 Menu Buzzwords To Attract Consumers To Your Food Truck


The first menu buzzword to use is artisanal. Artisanal means a high-quality product made in small quantities. Artisanal food truck products are usually made by hand or traditional methods.


Authenticity isn’t necessarily about recreating the past or being culturally exact. Perhaps that’s because in the recent past the word authentic has taken on a slightly different form. Authenticity is about having a story and staying true to it. Whether centuries old or born yesterday, the origin is critical. And the values messaged are of equal importance. Being authentic means making a strong statement and living up to it in every aspect of the experience.


Customization is all about putting the customer in control or at least perceived control. This can be as simple as having the ability to select which ingredients are added to their order. Delivering on the promise of being a customized food truck is not about letting customers craft a meal from scratch, but making small adjustments to an existing item to give it a truly personalized feel.


Fresh food isn’t just about unprocessed or fruits and vegetables. Today’s knowledgeable consumer wants food that is in season (apple chutney in the Fall or smoked salmon salad in the Spring).  Another positive to using the “fresh” menu buzzword allows you to change up your menus more often.


Local ingredients mean more than just shopping at the farmer’s market.  Locally sourced food can actually come from areas up to 400 miles away from the area your food truck operates.  The average consumer will see “local” on your menu and not only feel as though these ingredients are better, but they feel a connection to the community. This gives you the ability to give the consumer a chance to support their local community.


The last of our menu buzzwords is sustainable. Food that is considered sustainable must be economically viable, socially responsible and ecologically sound and is usually produced by small farmers who live on the land they farm.

RELATED: Food Truck Menu Psychology Tips

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, 6 menu buzzwords that can make a big impact on your food truck menu. Whether consumers are reading your Yelp reviews or visiting your website using these menu buzzwords are a way to help attract knowledgeable consumers to your food truck service window.

Do you have any additional menu buzzword suggestions? Share your thoughts on this topic in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter