It doesn’t take polling to tell food truck vendors that more Americans are spending more time on social media. Social media isn’t going anywhere and if you’ve missed the meme, your food truck’s online presence needs to be an big part of your marketing strategy. Today we’ll discuss some of the most common and annoying social media trends that you need to avoid.

In recent weeks we’ve been asking vendors about social media and over 90 percent use social media to drive growth for their food truck business. Not only that; over 75 percent of those polled told us that they’ve gained new customers through their social media marketing.

There is no denying social media is a great tool for interacting with current and prospective food truck customers. Unfortunately, just posting something on a social media platform for the sake of being active online isn’t enough. If you aren’t careful with the content and way you post you can quickly earn an unfollow or unlike. Worse yet, as you lose followers and likes, you will start seeing a loss in revenue.

5 Annoying Social Media Trends To Avoid:

Always Selling

The first of our annoying social media habits is one of the worst social media mistakes a food truck can make. Social media is a way to start a conversation, and who wants to talk with a salesman? Posting only when you have something to promote is a quick way for your truck to lose a like or follower. In between your sales pitches include photos of your food or truck, inspirational quotes, blog posts, links to articles about the mobile food industry in your market.


Posting the same type of messages multiple times a day is a sure-fire way to alienate your audience. Nobody is saying to stop posting your next truck stop, but nobody wants to see a dozen photos a day of menu items from the food truck they just followed on Twitter.

Lack of Original Content

Your customers need to know you’re interesting enough to follow. Only retweeting other people’s messages or posting articles from other sites doesn’t tell your customer what your food truck business is about. Instead, focus on creating original content, such as a blog post on your food truck website.

RELATED: What Food Truck Owners Should Tweet About

No Clear Strategy

Posting random links and content just to put something up is never a good idea. Create a calendar of posts you want to filter in between your truck location posts. Conduct a survey of your current customers (likes and followers) to create a strategy centered on what they want to know about your mobile food business.

RELATED: Developing Your Food Truck Social Media Strategy

Unnecessary Tagging

The last of our annoying social media trends comes from recent changes that have made it easier for Facebook users to tag others in their photos. Our advice, don’t do it. Not only is this is bad social form but it’s a fast way to annoy customers and quickly earn an unfollow. The simple rule, never tag people in photos that are not directly associated with them.

The Bottom Line

Annoying social media trends are easy to fall into. When you’re trying to change how you do things and you’re incredibly busy, falling back into old habits happens quicker than you would expect. While most tend to be minor annoyances that don’t have an overall impact, there are some of these trends can be damaging, make you look lazy, or seriously hinder your social media plan.

Do you have other annoying social media trends you’d like to see ended? Share your thoughts in the comment section or social media. Facebook | Twitter