Facebook users have been asking for a “Dislike” button since the Like button was first introduced. Facebook announced last year that it was working on a way to make the Like button more expressive. This morning, for the first time, we noticed that these new Facebook Reactions are now live.
New Facebook Reactions
The new Facebook Reactions are love, haha, wow, sad, and angry. These options are now available as well as the original Facebook like.
The new options might not be noticeable to Facebook users right away, so we thought we’d share this new feature with our readers. On mobile devices the new Facebook Reactions are hidden within the Like button.
To activate the Facebook Reactions all you have to do is press and hold Like for a moment for the new options to appear. From there, you can select one of the five new options, each of which is represented by an animated image. There was originally going to be a sixth option — “yay” (see image above) but Facebook removed it at some point during their beta testing.
Facebook Reactions is absolutely a good move for the company. Looking beyond, Facebook’s explanation, for these new options, of wanting to provide expanded emotional options, it’s really just a way to increase user engagement which has been dropping over the last year. For that alone, we hope they catch on.
So, after you’ve tried out this new feature, let us know if you like, love, haha, wow, sad, or angry the new Facebook Reactions? Share your thoughts in the comment section below or on Facebook.