If your food truck has a Twitter account that’s isn’t growing, there are a number of reasons this may be happening. In many ways, Twitter is like a living, breathing thing that can’t be ignored or else it will waste away. Tweeting your truck’s location on a regular basis will only get your food truck’s Twitter account so far. With that in mind, here are a handful of tips that’ll keep your food truck Twitter account alive with tweets, re-tweets, and follower growth.
5 Food Truck Twitter Account Growth Tips
Tweet Promotions
There’s no better way for a food truck to gather Twitter followers than by tweeting promotions, coupon codes, and other deals. Don’t look at this as just a ploy to rack up as many followers as possible; it’s a way to show current customers your appreciation while also attracting new ones.
WARNING: Do not make your promotions and deals dependent on whether or not your followers re-tweet your special offer to their friends and followers. This will end up having a negative effect on your following due to its gimmicky approach.
Answer Customer Questions
A great way to keep your food truck Twitter account active is by using it as a way to answer customer questions. Anytime a customer has a question or issue with a menu item or the service they received, using Twitter for customer service will prove to other followers that you care about your customers.
Additionally, Twitter is a great resource for your mobile food business in the form of customer feedback. Use Twitter as a way to ask your customers what your food truck business is doing right as well as where it can improve.
Reply To Everyone
Tweeting questions and statements surrounding your food truck will definitely keep your Twitter account alive, but if one statement turns into multiple remarks, you have to be prepared to answer them all.
When customers aren’t acknowledged, it’s fair to assume they wind up feeling neglected. In the business world, a neglected customer isn’t a customer for long.
The same goes for Twitter followers. So, always interact with your Twitter audience and watch it grow.
Follow Others
Being followed on Twitter is great, especially for mobile food businesses, but following others in return is just as important. Tweeting is a two-way street, so if you really want to be part of the Twitter community, follow others.
This isn’t to say that just anyone is a good candidate for your food truck Twitter account to follow. Even if it comes in the form of competition, always follow Twitter accounts relevant to your business, including local restaurants or other food truck businesses.
RELATED: Why You Should Followback Your Food Truck Twitter Followers
Keep It Fresh
The only thing worse than a neglected Twitter account is one that seems as though it’s auto-fed tweets. Don’t use Twitter as a self-promotion machine that just shoots out links left and right. It’s not engaging and won’t get your business anywhere.
Instead, hand-feed Twitter with fresh, interesting, and pertinent information about your food truck business and it’s menu. Besides, if followers feel like they’re interacting with a robot, they’ll follow your competitors instead. By taking the proper steps, your food truck’s Twitter account will be on a roll in no time.
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Do you have any tips we may have missed for build a food truck Twitter account? Share your thoughts in the comment section or social media. Twitter | Facebook