Food truck owners across the country are jumping on the social media bandwagon these days. Yet it takes a lot of care to be sure your Facebook page gets viewed and your tweets get read.
Here are three tips for making the most of social media:
- Speak to your food truck customers’ core interests. Don’t rely on marketing gimmicks. If your customers are are foodies talk about how you make your menu items. If they are primarily parents, talk to them about the food they are buying from your truck for their kids. Know what your customers care about most and address those concerns.
- Put your audience in the driver’s seat. Find ways to get your customers involved in decision-making. Ask them to submit new slogans or ad ideas for your menu.
- Use media to deliver value and services. Social media isn’t just a marketing tool. Outside of your next parking location, which of your services could be delivered through a social network or online community?