Whether your food truck is an organization of 2 employees or 25 you can never be too careful when it comes to security of your social media passwords. When the head chef of a restaurant in Oxfordshire, England was fired a week before Christmas, he wasted little time before heading to Twitter to share his anger. Unfortunately for the restaurant, he still had access to the company’s twitter account and decided to use the brand’s platform to vent.
A Lesson In Changing Social Media Passwords
In only 7 tweets, chef Jim Knight’s rant gained 12 000 retweets and 3500 favorites . To make matters worse, the tweets are still viewable, as the disgruntled chef was the only member of the restaurant that had access to the social media profile.
Many mobile food vendors don’t know exactly who has access to their Facebook and Twitter passwords. If you don’t keep a tight rein on access info, you could be leaving yourself at risk.
Sharing your social media passwords is a personal decision. Remember to think carefully before doing so. In an age where it’s possible to have brand reputations destroyed via social media, entrusting your account login details to an employee may not be such a great idea in the long run if things go south. At the very least, take heed and change your passwords if you decide to end a an employee relationship where you shared such information.
3 ways to keep your food truck social media passwords safe and secure:
- Know who knows. Verify who the administrators of your Twitter and Facebook Page are, and remove everyone who no longer needs access (do this NOW).
- Change it. Change your social media password if you’ve ever shared it, and keep a log of who knows the new password so you can always be sure who has access to your account.
- Do it again. And finally, if you do ever have to fire an employee who has had access to your social media accounts, change the password BEFORE you speak with them.
RELATED: Have You Setup Your Food Truck Social Media Policy?
The Bottom Line
The rather obvious lesson for employers in all of this: Take control of your social media accounts, change the passwords, and restrict access before you let go of the employees who run or have access to those accounts.
Do you have any additional tips for protecting a food truck’s social media passwords? We’d love to hear your advice. You can share your thoughts in the comment section below or on social media. Facebook | Twitter