We have shared numerous articles on food truck website development and more specifically how and why food truck owners should be posting in their site’s blog. Today we’ll discuss some common food truck blog mistakes you might be making.
Simply posting a few short articles throughout the month about the things happening inside your mobile food business isn’t going to automatically bring you the 5-10 new customers a month your food truck needs for continued growth.There’s a bit more to this recipe than just the writing. Have a food truck blog that isn’t gaining any traction? Feel like you’re wasting your time? Avoid these food truck blog mistakes.
Common Food Truck Blog Mistakes
Speaking to the wrong audience
Look over your content. Do you use a lot of culinary jargon that may confuse your non-foodie knowledgeable customers?
Your food truck customer is your target audience, not your culinary peers, so if this is you, simply try putting those ideas into words that someone who has never tuned into Food Network or taken a culinary class would understand.
Poor speeling
Are you taking enough time proofreading the first drafts of your posts? Are you showing personality in your writing? Just because you’re writing a blog post doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice the kind of quality control you practice in your kitchen.
Boring your readers
Spice up your posts with images, videos, or audio clips. Think about the other food truck websites you and your audience visits, what kind of content do they create? What is engaging to them?
RELATED: 50 Food Truck Blog Topics To Help Overcome Blogger’s Block
No clear goals
Your food truck blog should reflect you and your mobile food business. What do you hope stand for? Where did you come from and where are you going?
The passion you have for the mobile food industry and your local community is the best way to show your readers who you are. They will sense your energy and be brought back by it.
RELATED: 5 Article Ideas For Your Food Truck Blog
Focusing on the numbers too much
As I well know, it can be very easy to get obsessed with blogging statistics: how many daily readers we get, the bounce rate, the likes, the comments. Sometimes it’s best to focus on the actual people we are connecting with, whether it’s five or 5000. Your food truck blog must be about building your community, interacting online and creating relationships with your current and future customers.
Focus on interacting with your readers, responding to their comments and constantly asking for their feedback and your community will begin growing before you know it and your stats will benefit at the same time.
RELATED: Building Your Food Truck Blog’s Content Marketing Strategy
Poor website and post design
In order for all of the previous tips to work, you have to integrate them with a good looking and functional design. Check out what other food truck blogs you read and enjoy are doing; find out what kinds of blogs your target audience is reading and what those look like.
Look at your blog and evaluate what changes you can make to make it more appealing to your customers. Most importantly, strive to have a design that is professional, easy to navigate, and easy on the eyes.
The Bottom Line
A blog can be a helpful marketing tool for any food truck. The key is understanding the top food truck blog mistakes and learning how to avoid them.
We hope you found this article helpful. Do you have any suggestions to get past the food truck blog mistakes,? Share your thoughts on this topic in the comment section, our food truck forum or social media. Facebook | Twitter