With the powerful force of social media supporting you, food truck event traffic is reaching all-time highs. Event promoters are generating huge numbers at food truck events like never before. All it takes is knowledge to harness this power before, during, and after the event. You can maximize exposure and generate interest in what people have to gain by attending. Below is everything you need to know to use social media to draw larger crowds.
How To Increase Your Food Truck Event Traffic With Social Media
Create Buzz Leading Up to the Event
Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linked In, Pinterest and YouTube are excellent tools to get the word out about your upcoming food truck event. Don’t just announce it, generate buzz about it. Write high quality copy about what food trucks will be there, free giveaways, and how people can benefit from attending.
It’s best to do this in small bursts instead of a single press release with all of the typical information. Create an account on each of the social media sites listed above, and post one or two times per day with exciting news, unique information and teasers leading up to the event. Make it exciting so people will want to share your page and your posts with others.
Generate Excitement During the Event
Make it possible for users to check in to the food truck event on Facebook. Create a hashtag so people can keep up with what’s going on via Twitter. Designate someone at the event to keep up with the social media conversations, so you’ll know if the response is positive or negative. After all the planning involved, you want to make sure people are enjoying themselves.
Regularly post updates to all your social media accounts during the event. Announce giveaways, special appearances, entertainment, drawings, freebies and other things to lure folks over. Be sure to include high quality photos and videos, because people pay more attention to visual cues than written content only.
Post to Pinterest, YouTube and other highly visual sites where people interested in your topic are likely to see what you can provide them. Encourage attendees to engage in the conversation by hosting voting polls and online contests, in addition to the drawings and giveaways at your booth.
Keep Up Communications After the Event
Promotions don’t end once the last food truck closes its service window. Use your new contacts from the event to keep people involved and interested in you and what you have to offer. Post highlights of the event on YouTube and other social media. Send out a hearty “thank you” to those who attended on Twitter and Facebook.
Don’t leave out the people who, although interested, were unable to attend the food truck event for some reason. Reach out to them with information they’ll find helpful, such as videos of demonstrations or contests they could learn from. Give them as much of an experience as possible without actually having been there.
RELATED: Social Media Engagement Ideas For Food Truck Vendors
The Bottom Line
Food truck events and social media have one thing in common. They’re both excellent opportunities to build relationships with customers. Today’s consumers aren’t just looking for one way advertisements. They want to feel like they’re a part of the conversation. Food truck events are a great way to gather followers for your social media marketing messages, so make it worthwhile by giving them something valuable and useful.
How have you used social media to boost your food truck event traffic? Share your thoughts in the comment section or social media. Facebook | Twitter