With Twitter being the most popular way for food truck owners to market their location and their product, we have come up with a list of ways to increase Twitter followers.

Studies show that the more you tweet, the more followers you’re likely to have. Users who have written under 1000 tweets typically have fewer than 100 followers, while those who have tweeted more than 10,000 times usually have followings of between 1000-5000 people.

12 Ways To Increase Twitter Followers


  • Complete your bio. The number one step I always suggest is to fill out your Twitter bio. Build your bio so you explain to people who do not know you, who you are. Keeping a blank bio does not encourage anyone to start following you.
  • Place your Twitter ID on your vehicle. Most of your customers may already follow you, but on the off chance that they don’t, give them the chance to.
  • Be active on Twitter. Do not just post your current location, retweet useful information you receive from those you follow. If they return the favor and retweet one of your tweets, you may get noticed by their followers, and some may even follow you.
  • Be seen. Request that your Twitter profile link is featured on any site that writes about you or just mentions you in an article.


  • Reply to and get involved in #hash tag discussions. Look for the #hash topics relating to your locale or your passions and jump in on the conversation.
  • Ask for help. Take the time to explain to your followers what retweeting is and ask them to retweet your links.
  • Spread the word. Use your Twitter ID in your email signature, so that people you correspond with in this fashion get to know that you are also using twitter.
  • Ask for more help. Ask your current followers to recommend you to their followers.
  • Use photos. Take pictures with your cell phone and tweet them. If you take shots of your customers they typically will retweet them to their followers.
  • Become an author. Write an ebook about how you started your business or a cookbook of some of your recipes and start distributing it free of charge. If you can get your ebook to go viral, you have the chance to gain many followers.
  • Run a poll. This actually works if you have a high number of followers. Make the poll interesting, and request people to re-tweet about it.
  • Start a contest. Offer free food or a discount to the 1st, the 10th, or the 40th customer who comes to your truck and shows you your tweet and then post the results. Not only do people love free food, but they like to receive notoriety as well.

RELATED: Social Media Engagement Ideas For Food Truck Vendors

The Bottom Line

Unless you’re a celebrity chef, you’re going to have to work at building an initial following for your food truck on Twitter. So what’s the secret? Instead of a slow and steady increases, treat your Twitter account like a short-term addiction. Make it your top priority for a month or two, and create lots of content.

Although you may not agree with some of these tips please note, none need to be followed. The primary reason for this article was to provide a list of items that will show food truck owners some different marketing strategies to increase Twitter followers, and hopefully your sales.

What methods have you found effective increasing Twitter followers for your food truck? If you enjoyed this content, feel free to retweet it or follow us at Twitter.