Twitter has been the most commonly used social media platform used by food truck owners since the explosion of gourmet food trucks across the country in 2008. Twitter is the social networking site that provides food truck owners and other users to send short messages (up to 140 characters) to followers. A recent uptick in the number of Twitter hacking has become evident in the number of DM’s we have received in the past few weeks. These messages ask us to click on links which promise to show great iPad deals or take us to video’s that may be embarrassing to us.

Follow these 5 tips to help protect your account from Twitter hacking. This will keep your account from being hijacked and will help to keep you and your followers safe.

5 Tips to Protect Your Food Truck From Twitter Hacking

  • Create a password that isn’t easy to crack. Programs can automate trying every word in the dictionary and other passwords are simply easy to guess. Although you will want to remember your password, consider adding additional characters, symbols and numbers to your password to decrease the likelihood of it being discovered.
  • Look carefully before you log into Twitter. Scammers can easily set up fake Web pages that look like Twitter and send you spam messages that trick you into supplying your login to their site. Make sure your browser’s address bar clearly shows “” as the Web page you are logging into.
  • Log out when you have finished using your Twitter account. If you do not log out, anyone with physical access to the machine will be able to use your account as you. This also means they will be able to change your password and steal your account.
  • Choose security questions that will not be easy to guess. If your question is “Where were you born?” then anyone who knows your city of birth or the county you grew up in may be able to guess it easily.
  • Watch what links you click. Avoid clicking on links in Twitter messages from people you don’t know, and even if you know the person sending the message take care to read the message before clicking on its link. URLs that accompany “too good to be true” messages are usually phishing attempts.

RELATED: Brand Monitoring On Twitter For Food Truck Vendors

The Bottom Line

Contrary to the news, you do not have to be a celebrity or a news organization to risk having your Twitter account hacked. To avoid being the latest victim of hackers looking for a quick buck or to harm your online reputation, follow these tips rules when managing your Twitter account, such as choosing a secure password, staying clear from suspicious users and keeping your computer malware-free.

How have you avoided Twitter hacking? Share your thoughts on this topic in the comment section or on social media. Facebook | Twitter