It seems from some of the most recent questions we’ve received that some food truck vendors are still having difficulty in improving their social media presence without having to spend more time than they thought they would to get anything accomplished. Are you one of these vendors? Not to worry, today’s article is all about social media time management and was designed to show you how to streamline the time you invest with social media while still being able to build a strong online brand that draws customers to your food truck service window.

4 Social Media Time Management Tips


One mistake I see some vendors make is joining every social network on the web and spending time to stay relevant on each one. Are you on what seems like every social media platform? Take some time to find out which ones are actually drawing customers in and interacting with you.

If there is no customer interaction on some, cut down or eliminate the time you spend there and focus more of your time on those that are more active. If your customers don’t engage with you on Pinterest or Instagram, there’s no need to be there. Once you know where you’re your message is being heard, pick two or three and don’t worry about the rest.

RELATED: Is Social Media Automation Hurting Your Food Truck Brand?

Speak With Your Customers

Spend some time engaging with your social media followers. Does is seem as most of them are not in your local area? If not, you could be spending your time engaging with people who may never spend a moment waiting in line for one of your awesome menu items. If this is the case you need to fine tune your approach.

Look at your updates that generate the most interest, and use those as a starting point for conversations. When you find a customer hot button issue, run with it. Be sure you share information that is both relevant to your food truck and beneficial for your customers.

You need to focus your social media communications on your customers to build trust and encourage interaction. This will lead to a creating social media advocates for your food truck business.

RELATED: Increasing Your Food Truck Social Media Engagement

Consistent User Names

There are some vendors I found while researching this article that use upwards of 3 to five different usernames on various social networks. Some even have several handles for Twitter alone. Not only is this difficult to manage (unless you are paying someone to handle all of these accounts for you), but it also confuses customers which will ultimately dilute your brand.

Settle on a single username so people can easily find and follow you. Use your food truck’s name or a shorter variation. If you’re Your Name Food Truck on Facebook, don’t create a different handle for Twitter, keep it consistent.

RELATED: Keep Your Usernames Consistent Across Social Media Platforms

Become Predictable

In social media it pays to be predicable. Create a schedule for posting on the social media networks you’ve chosen to have a presence. Choose times when you know your customers are most likely to see your posts.

Once you have your schedule in place, stick to it, it’s much easier to identify what to share in advance rather than trying to do it in real time. Use the space in between your scheduled posts for customer conversations. Retweet or comment on things you like and thank customers who promote your food truck.

RELATED: Is It Time To Hire A Social Media Manager?

The Bottom Line

We hope this helps those of you that are having a tough time navigating all of the social media avenues available to food truck vendors. Time is one thing that we understand vendors don’t have in surplus.

Do you have additional tips for social media time management? Share your thoughts in the comment section, our food truck forum or social media. Twitter | Facebook